
Giotakis Furniture

Welcome to Giotakis Furniture, the leading destination for unique, handmade furniture that transforms every space into a haven of comfort and style. With many years of experience in furniture, we are dedicated to providing you with a wide range of quality and timeless pieces for every corner of your home or business space.

Navigate our collection, where every meticulously made furniture is an art and functionality alloy made of environmentally friendly materials in a wide range of prices.

Giotakis Furniture

Giotakis Furniture's story began in 1999 as a humble "neighborhood" workshop dedicated to making handmade furniture with love and unwavering passion for high quality.

Over the years, fueled by our commitment to excellence, we have evolved into a state-of-the art 600 square meter unit. located in the picturesque plain of Larissa.

High quality materials

All the furniture of Giotakis Furniture is made with first-sorting materials, able to withstand the passage of time.

We believe that furniture is not only inanimate objects, but an integral part of every space, the “soul”, which gives it its distinct character, and makes it special.


A minimal table for the lovers of both modern and classical! Metal, wood and the lacrated surroundings "marry" and give an air of modern, timeless luxury and aesthetics that gives special value to this dining room.

Our Collections

Dining Tables

Handmade dining rooms with innovative, elegant design, high usability and aesthetics

Living Room Tables

Minimal, modern design that meets usability in impressive living room tables


Separate elements of decoration and usability for the modern house


Ξεκινώντας απο ένα μικρό συνοικιακό εργαστήριο χειροποιητων επίπλων το 1999 , η επιχείρηση Giotakis furniture, με αγάπη και μεράκι για το ποιοτικό έπιπλο , έφτασε να δημιουργήσει την υπερσύγχρονη μονάδα 600 τ.μ. στο κάμπο της Λάρισας διαθέτωντας πλέον ορισμένα απο τα τελευταίας τεχνολογίας υπερσύγχρονα μηχανήματα κατεργασίας ξύλου , με το ποιοτικό χειροποίητο έπιπλο να είναι η καθημερινή μας δέσμευση.

Υλικά πρώτης ύλης

Όλα χειροποίητα , με υλικά πρώτης διαλογής , τα προιόντα μας αντέχουν στο χρόνο δίνωντας στο χώρο σας το συναίσθημα του παντοτινού.
Handmade quality furniture Giotakis
Nikaia, Larisa, Greece
[email protected]
Τ: +30.2410921587
Κ: +30.6983594372
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